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Carbon capture, utilization and storage (CCUS)

Leading the market with Capture.Now™, our global CCUS solutions portfolio across diverse industries.

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The world is facing an acceleration of decarbonization and net-zero ambitions with a global reduction target of 7Gtpa of CO2 to be reached by 2050. The era of carbon capture, utilization and storage is here. Technip Energies is playing a key role on the journey to a low-carbon society and is strategically positioned as a leader in this market.

With Capture.Now™, our strategic platform that brings under one umbrella all our CCUS technologies and solutions, we help our clients cost-effectively decarbonize their operations, utilize low-carbon energy, valorize carbon into products and achieve their net-zero goals. We do this across industries such as domestic power, cement, steel, low-carbon hydrogen, LNG, ethylene and more.