Environment Indicator Unit 2021 2020
Waste Waste generated* tonnes 65,513 299,963
Waste generated by activity*
Offices tonnes 1,406 585
Industrial sites tonnes 624 786
Construction sites and yards tonnes 63,483 298,592
Waste generated by type
Percentage of hazardous waste(1) % 3.4 0.12
Percentage of non-hazardous waste(2) % 96.6 99.88
Waste generated by destination
Percentage of waste diverted from disposal (reuse, recycling, recovery and composting) % 76.0 96.2
Percentage of waste sent to landfill or mass burn incineration % 23.5 3.7
Environmental Management Number of main operating centers certified ISO14001* number 21 --
Percentage of main operating centers certified ISO14001* % 64 --
Number of environmental incidents
Adverse impact(3) number 2 0
Limited impact(4) number 6 2
Air Emissions(5)
Nitrogen Oxides (NOx) tonnes 7,323 4,864
Sulphur Oxides (SOx) tonnes 597 393
(1) Hazardous waste: contaminated soil, waste soil, medical waste, photocopier/printer toner, electrical equipment, batteries, waste paints, solvents and other hazardous waste. (2) Non-hazardous waste: concrete, food waste, glass, mixed domestic waste, soil, rock, paper, cardboard, plastic, scrap metal, wood and other non-hazardous waste. (3) Adverse Impact: Short term (3 months) non-persistent change or pollution with reversible effects on the environment. (4) Limited Impact: Non-persistent change or pollution with reversible effects on the environment and short duration (less than 1 week). (5) Scope of air emissions reporting: construction sites and yards located in Azerbaijan, Bahrain, China, Russia and Singapore.
Technip Energies Sustainability Report 2021 . 85