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Fertilizers brochure

Covering the entire value chain from mining to fertilizers

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Serving a variety of plants

With more than 350 projects engineered in the fertilizers industry worldwide, Technip Energies has acquired significant experience, technological competence and strong references.

A wide range of plants

  • Geology and Mining
  • Beneficiation
  • Sulfuric acid plants - Up to 3,600 tpd* capacity
  • Phosphoric acid plants - Up to 1,250 tpd capacity
  • Phosphate fertilizer plants - Up to 2,670 tpd capacity
  • Ammonia/urea plants - Up to 3,300 tpd capacity
  • Urea plants - Up to 3,850 tpd capacity
  • Nitric acid plants - Up to 1,060 tpd capacity

Fertilizers products may be produced in a variety of forms, e.g:

  • Granular, prilled or compacted
  • Powdered Liquid or suspension and available in bulk, drums or tank cars
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