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Technip Energies announces that Bora LyondellBasell Petrochemical Co. Ltd.’s mega ethylene plant reached performance guarantees

Bora LyondellBasell Petrochemical Co. Ltd.’s ethylene plant

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Technip Energies announced that the Bora LyondellBasell Petrochemical Co. Ltd.’s (Bora)(1) 1,000 kta(2) ethylene plant reached performance guarantees.

Technip Energies provided the proprietary technology and process design for the liquid ethylene plant in Panjin, Liaoning Province, China. 

The Bora facility utilizes Technip Energies’ Ultra Selective Conversion (USC®) U-coil and W-coil ethylene technology, which combined produce high energy efficiency and high yields, resulting in reduced CO2 emissions. It ranks in the first quartile of comparable crackers for having the lowest CO2 production per relative amount of high value chemical production.

The plant successfully started up in the middle of 2020 to reach its designed capacity shortly after the start-up and performance guarantee were met. By passing all performance guarantees, it is meeting the feed and raw material consumption, production rate and product specifications and the specific energy consumption intended. Known as one of the larger liquid ethylene crackers in China, the plant was completed and started up in 39 months from commencement of the process design package, and produced on-spec product within 42 hours after the feed-in. The plant was accepted in June.

Stan Knez, Chief Technology Officer of Technip Energies, commented: “We are very pleased with the performance of the Bora cracker. This is a good example of our know-how to improve energy efficiency and reduce CO2 emissions through our proven ethylene technology.”

(1)    Bora refers to LyondellBasell Industries NV 50-50 joint venture with Liaoning Bora Enterprise Group
(2)    KTA: kilo tonnes per annum

To know more about Technip Energies’ ethylene products and services, please go to    

About Technip Energies

Technip Energies is a leading Engineering & Technology company for the energy transition, with leadership positions in Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG), hydrogen and ethylene as well as growing market positions in blue and green hydrogen, sustainable chemistry and CO2 management. The company benefits from its robust project delivery model supported by extensive technology, products and services offering. 

Operating in 34 countries, our 15,000 people are fully committed to bringing our client’s innovative projects to life, breaking boundaries to accelerate the energy transition for a better tomorrow.

Technip Energies is listed on Euronext Paris with American depositary receipts (“ADRs”) traded over-the-counter in the United States. 
For further information:


Annette Morgan
Senior Communications Manager
Process Technology
Tel: +1 281-249-2475
Email: [email protected]