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A leading engineering and project services company in Kazakhstan

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Joining forces to serve the local market

TKJV LLP is a locally incorporated Kazakh company with a balanced and equal partnership (50 percent Kazakh equity) between Technip Energies and KPSP LLC.

Created in 2019 to serve the Kazakhstan market, the joint-venture offers qualified services to execute its clients’ projects from preliminary/feasibility or conceptual study, pre-FEED and FEED to EPC scopes for the energy industry. TKJV LLP combines Technip Energies’ engineering and technology capabilities in supporting the energy transition, with the key resources and long history of KPSP LLC in developing infrastructure projects in Kazakhstan.

TKJV LLP is firmly committed to the development and maximization of Kazakh content by engaging in strategic skills development and training programs to achieve transfer of knowledge and natural growth expansion.

Karaganda Promstroyproekt Institute

  • KPSP is a leading Kazakh engineering company with a 60-year track record of large-scale industrial and civil projects in the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) countries since 1959.
  • KPSP is currently active in Kazakhstan and Russia and holds all RoK Category 1 design licenses.
  • The company’s references include 200+ clients, more than 5,000 projects completed and 250 highly qualified engineers in six offices.

Technip Energies

  • Technip Energies is a leading engineering and technology company for the energy transition offering leadership positions in LNG, hydrogen, ethylene and growing market positions in sustainable chemistry, decarbonization and carbon-free energy solutions.
  • With 60 years of experience in the energy industry, we provide a broad portfolio of technologies, services and products for projects across the world.
Created in 2019
years of experience in engineering and project delivery
projects completed in the region
Category 1 design license

From concept to project delivery and beyond

As a leading EPC contractor, TKJV LLP has a solid track record of successfully delivering megaprojects worldwide.

Starting with the concept stages, we provide unique value to our clients through extensive capabilities to integrate technical innovations and lessons learned via execution challenges to our projects. We specialize in developing robust conceptual studies for offshore projects relying on our advanced Caspian Sea offshore technologies.

Our capabilities 3 pictures

Natural gas treatment and liquefaction

  • LNG pioneer: Designing and delivering a broad range of LNG plants, including references in Qatar with the seven largest LNG trains ever constructed
  • Sour gas: Designing more than 50 plants to remove carbon dioxide and sulfur components with a total installed capacity of about 20 BSCFD
  • GTL: Delivering plants using Sasol’s “slurry phase distillate” technology (FEED for the Fischer-Tropsch with more than 60 percent commercial liquids conversion capacity worldwide)


Downstream experience

  • Refining: We have been involved in the design and construction of more than 30 new refineries and major refinery expansions with seven new refineries built since 2000.
  • Ethylene: We hold proprietary technologies and are a leader in delivering ethylene plants (steam crackers).
  • Petrochemicals / Fertilizers: We provide process technology licensing and development of full EPC complexes for basic chemicals, intermediates and derivative plants.
  • Brownfield: We revamp, upgrade and refurbish existing facilities with activity mainly based in our Abu Dhabi Center of Excellence.


Offshore and artificial island projects

  • First-of-a-kind projects: A marine contractor on the leading edge, our projects are typically first of a kind or record setting in water depth, size or complexity whether the largest FPSO / FLNG, the deepest spar or the heaviest open-sea floatover.
  • Our services range from installation methods in the shallow waters of the Caspian Sea to delivery of modularized topside integrated decks.
  • We develop artificial islands including some with ice-resistant technologies and offer innovative float-over operations.


Weathering Arctic conditions

  • Participating at the early phases of various projects in the Northern Caspian
  • Weathering extreme cold environments (Yamal LNG / Arctic LNG2)
  • Offering robust solutions in technology, execution strategy and cost and schedule


Expertise in modularization

  • Know-how in all aspects of modularization, including working with Asian yards and references of more than 2,000 fabrication partners
  • Optimized designs enabling a significant reduction or mitigation of construction costs
  • An comprehensive approach offering pre-commissioning and commissioning at fabrication yards, optimization, hook-up minimization, reduction in structural steel tonnage and risk mitigation of planning schedules and construction.

Our key references

Established experience delivering complex and pioneering projects worldwide

TKJV LLP offers exceptional project management skills to deliver innovative and sustainable solutions to the energy industry. We partner with the world's most reputable companies for technologies, equipment and construction to provide optimized project execution strategies.

Our key references 3 pictures

Kashagan, Aktote & Kairin Fields - NCOC

  • Location: Kazakhstan
  • Award date: 2020
  • Scope of work: Conceptual studies, pre-FEED and debottlenecking


Yamal LNG

  • Location: Russian Federation
  • Completion date: 2018
  • Scope of work: EPSCC of 3 LNG trains of 5.5 Mtpa each
  • Modularized: 480,000 t of modules.


Shah Deniz offshore gas project

  • Location: Azerbaijan
  • Completion date: 2016
  • Scope of work: Conceptual, pre-FEED & FEED and EPCI (offsite execution).


Ferry complex

  • Location: Kazakhstan
  • Scope of work: Construction of a ferry complex at the Kuryk Port


Upper Zakum 750k - ADMA OPCO

  • Location: United Arab Emirates
  • Completion date: 2015
  • Scope of work: Concept, FEED and EPC for four artificial production islands with a processing unit


Magtymguly - Petronas

  • Location: Turkmenistan
  • Completion date: 2011
  • Scope of work: EPCIC


North Caspian Sea

Technip Energies has performed several engineering studies in the North Caspian Sea for development of artificial island with ice environment in environmentally protected area, for example:

  • Pearls – Shell Global Solutions: Concept study for 3 fixed offshore platforms in arctic conditions
  • Kalamkas – NCOC: Oil field development concept selection study.

Get in touch



Tel: +33 6 42 33 31 88

Email: [email protected]

  • Or download our brochure to find your local point of contact, listed on the last page of all our brochures and flysheets.